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Sodor was quite in line with England in the 50s, but in the 60s that is when they started breaking away from it. Like, they legalised being gay first, the NWR had the first women engine crews etc while England didn't have any of this until later.

Rationing ended in 1957 for Sodor.

There are certain stereotypes around some of the city's in sodor

Vicarstown: wanna be mainlanders

Wellsworth: posh pricks

Tidmouth: full of old people/smells like fish

Brendam: Everyone's depressed.

Sodors national food is beef stew

Gold Dust is a magical glitter like substance that only certain engines can see, and people can't see at all.

It's a magic that embraces all of Sodor, but especially the railways, and protects them.

That's why crews and engines walk away from dangerous accidents with only minor scraps instead of death.

It swirls around engines or workers during times when they need protection, or support. It gives a wave of warmth and comfort, like a tight hug.

don't typically have middle names.

They just never picked up the tradition.

There's not that many people in Sodor, no reason to try and distinguish yourself from others when most likely your the only "Joesph Smith" in your town.

Meaning, any middle names that do circulate Sodor are typically from mainlanders.

Toffee is VERY popular in Sodor.

It can be found in almost every store, and practically all stations have small bags sold for travel.

Toffee sheets are a very common gift too, for house warming, or if you're visiting and want to bring something 'Sudrian' home that's not railway related.

Toffee is as common in Sodor as rock is in a seaside town. And similarly, every town thinks theirs is the best.

The slamming of a bar of toffee on a table or wall is a very common sound in break rooms.

The most popular flavours are liquorice, and mint. Banana and chocolate eclairs are a controversial choice. but regular is the most common and very popular.

The reason toffee is so popular is unknown, it's most likely due to it being easy to produce.

However, the old wives tale says a Driver used to use it to make his engine quiet for the rest of the journey (though this tale veries, in some it's the porter, the guard, or the fireman)

Sodor shares a long of slang with the isle of man.

But it also has some of its own phrases, most that are based in rail:

Your firebox was too big for your tender! (you over estimated how much you could do) etc

Bookstores in Sodor (like Japan that I definitely didn’t steal this tidbit from) often offer to put a paper book cover on your book when you buy it, it does 3 things.

A) Offers protection for the book when in your bag

B) Offers privacy for what you’re reading, and makes it so strangers can’t strike up random conversations about the book

C) Gives free advertising to the bookstore

People also often make their own out of patterned paper, fabric, etc.

They’re very popular due to public transport being the main mode of transportation on Sodor, especially due to reasons A and B.